Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Worlds...New Hanger...

That's right, loyal non-existent readers, the blimp museum has moved on to a bigger hanger.

Rumour has it that the new hanger has its own gravitation field, and complimentary cabbage patch.

On the new site you'll find what I'd always hoped to be able to do here, (but alas, never could), actually allowing it to look something even slightly resembling a museum.

So please, enjoy the new and improved Blimp Museum, and let this pile of discarded litter rot in its cold never visited (yet always becoming cooler) tomb.

Acevedo Williams

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Museum Unstoppable

If you thought the success of the Blimp Museum had reached its peak, you were probably right. But not anymore! To add to our vast collection of accolades, the Blimp Museum has earned a truly all encompassing reputation. In the words of Henry Giffard "we've made it".

Go to Google and type in (with the inverted commas) "Blimp Museum". It'll be the first result on the second page (for now). If you search "Easily the most scintillating section of the internet" it will be the only result, proving once and for all that the claim is in fact genuine.

Enjoy the (now famous) site and keep visiting.

Acevedo Williams
Blimp Museum Curator

Monday, August 07, 2006

International Gathering

Welcome international friends!

Using my fantastic new cluster map, I was able to discover that the first non-Sydney Blimp Museum visitors have arrived. Amazingly, seperate people in New York, Los Angeles, London and Brisbane (or close to those) all managed to come here on the same day.

Probably some sort of conspiracy.

Visit again!

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Coolest thing ever.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Last (map) Post (for now)

****Note to Musuem visitor. This is the third post in a series of three. Thus, to begin, read the third post down from here (titled "Where on Earth) and work your way up. The Blimp Museum apologises for any reading inconvenience caused.****

Post 3/3
And to put the icing on the cake, here's the exact Google Earth image of the map area. Pontarlier is in the top right, Morez in the bottom centre, the Swiss border trails down the right edge, Arbois is in the top right, Clairvaux in the bottom right, Champagnole is the large town in the centre right and Lake de Joux is the blue thing in the bottom right.

Well that's enough topography for you poor souls. On the bright side though, this map is no.33 in the series. Which means there's at least 32 more to collect. Another thing to do before I die. That would be a fitting collection for a fitting Blimp Museum. Call me a nerd, cause that's what I am. Damn proud too.

And then there was more mappage

Post 2/3
"A Detailed Map of JAPAN", H.E.C Robinson (again) Sydney. 1:2,645,200 scale. Another old school map from the 50's, beautifully drawn. It's not in good condition though, it's falling apart.

There are countless, countless more I could put on, but I'll finish with my favourite.

"Itineraires pedestres et a skis; Au Coeur Du Jura". It's a rather confusing piece of map from 1978, no doubt because I can't read French and online translations are terrible machines. It seems to be a strange cross between a topographic map and a tourist map. It has on the back 'Cartes et guides touristiques', and on the front, 'Institut Geographique National'. Now while I've seen a fair few maps in my time this is by far the most detailed I have ever come across. It is almost ludicrous. A picture can tell a thousand words and this map can tell around about a trillion. Ontop of this, the scale is only 1:50,000, which is 2cm to the kilometre. That's more than enough to find your way around in the dark. Ontop of this, the map is simply gigantic. It's 1.7m long and 1.1m wide...this is meant to be a tourist map! The marines could use it to invade France. But ontop of all this, the map is simply a piece of art. It truly is.

What's that? You want another picture? Very well.

You'd be hard pressed to find a more detailed 1:50,000 map than that.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Where on earth...

Post 1/3

I had almost forgotten to mention my other nerdy love...


Ah, how could I forget (question mark). But no worries, there is plenty of time to catch up on time lost. I have far too many maps to count, many old, few new. They just don't make maps like they used to. This is firstly due to the fact that political geography has changed, and partly due to laziness on the publishers' part.

So anyway, I won't give a big long story on each map I show here, but if there is something to mention, it shall be mentioned. Do note, maps can be quite large, some are huge. Thus, with an A4 sized scanner, it is entirely improbable to post an entire map. I shall endeavour, for all you wanna be cartographers, to encompass the most interesting part/s.

I 'inherited' many maps from my late grandfather, including one of my favourites below. It is a map of the "Malay States" from around the 1950's, though I can't work out an exact date. The scale is 1:1,000,000 (15.78 miles to the inch) and it was compiled and published by H.E.C Robinson (Sydney). The map is almost an art work compared to today's computerised perfection, the printing paper sensational. Surprisingly, while the internal landscape has become more complex, you'll find that the outlines of the Malaysian states seem to be identical.

Click on all the images for a much, much, much bigger image.

From now the maps are in no particular order.

"Athens & Greece/Griechenland Guide Map". Apparently it is revised every year. But they didn't tell me which year. Around the 70's, Edited by Tassos Vellio (I'm guessing that's a company) and has various scales.

"Roma; Nuova Pianta Turistica". 1973, published by OTO. Includes booklet street directory


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Guns For the One Armed

"Dear Mike and John - Maybe this old book of mine will be some interest to you during your future shoots, thanks again for the good time. Sincerely Walter---"

I may never know the last name of the fellow (I'm ruling out fellowess) who wrote this is, or how he came across the book "Duck Guns, Shooting and Decoying" by Howard M. Salisbury (1947) to write this message that now resides in its front cover. In fact, I may never know who the author, Mr. Salisbury even is - the only internet reference to him seems to be on eBay for this same book (though I still couldn't actually find it). What I do know is that I didn't have a book on duck hunting, but now, I do - and that is all that really matters.

The story of this book could be very mysterious and interesting, it could also be very boring. The front cover tells a thousand's just that we don't know which words they are. Here's the top half of the cover, including the linen print that is just awesome. I assume the ducks in the water to be decoys, and the birds to be geese that look like flying penguins. If anyone can come up with an appropriate colour description of the cover, they shall win a prize yet to be announced.

Apart from its slightly shredding cover, the book is in great condition considering that it's old enough to be my father, or even grandfather if you use your imagination. The pages give me the sense that they haven't been read much, neither recently nor in the 50's. There is nothing to indicate whether it was bought in America, its country of publishing and printing, or anywhere for that matter. The price in the front cover was slashed to 90 cents from $1.50, which means that if bought in Australia, it would have to have been after 1966. It was given to Mike and John in 1973, and reached me for $2.00 (though I got it for less).

So what of the duck hunting? The opening lines of the book are;

"The thrill of hearing the eerie call of passing geese or the sight of great skeins of ducks is deeply inborn into the very soul of the American gunner. So great is this interest in our great heritage, the love and ability to hunt, that to mention the word ducks at the proper time and place will cause the tired business executive to improvise some lame excuse for taking a few days from his busy office, or the gun-minded schoolboy for playing hookey from his classroom. The rest of us are inclined to apply the old adage, "When business interferes with duck hunting, forget business".

Did he say "gun-minded schoolboy"? This pretty much sets the tone of the book, at least the push underneath objective facts and hunting tips. Mr. Salisbury goes on to speak of how duck hunting was a crucial part of early American life providing everything from pillows to brooms. And "while the early settler unquestionably enjoyed duck hunting to a certain duck hunters take their sport seriously". Right. I'm not out to do any stereotypical America bashing, you can go watch Bowling for Columbine for that. But this is a very cultural book. Australians such as myself may find all that is in the book rather hard to comprehend. Around here, you can't just walk into a shop and buy any of the guns explored in the 62 page dissertation on gun varieties, let alone own one without very very strict licensing. Hunting of pretty much anything is illegal in the eastern states. I don't really understand the joy of mindlessly taking down migrating birds with powerful lead shooting equipment. I'm not going to go out and protest about it, but in my culture, this seems so pointless it's ludicrous. The book spends many pages turning the death of something into practical maths.

There are many diagrams throughout the book, all hand drawn (not by Salisbury, by Bline or similar). Some show the layouts of decoys that are popular an successful, others, like below, graph bird flight patterns or show when to shoot the fast moving bird. The simplicity amazes me - that the mind of something is reduced to predictable dotted lines.

All this aside, the facts and figures and tips tell us very little about the author or the sport. The most telling parts are the final two chapters the first of which is 'Hunting Safely'. The first line here is;

"Few, if any, sports take a greater toll of human life annually than does duck hunting".

Who would have thought? Going out, often alone, into cold marsh lands with unpredictable weather, nothing but the clothes on your back, explosives and weapons that can kill people. It simply begs belief. "Make your gun safe by keeping its muzzle pointed in a direction where an accidental discharge is nothing more than an annoyance and not a catastrophe". Of course, pointing at the overflying geese is fine and highly recommended. "The fool who purposely points his loaded or unloaded gun at you or others in the party, while making a not so funny 'wisecrack', is a good fellow to leave at home on the next trip. His humor may result in a gruesome tragedy". Rather than the glorious victory over the evil geese which is the real goal at hand.

The final chapter is 'The Future of Duck Hunting'. Again, the first line sums many things up.

"Frankly, it is none too bright. With the steady decrease in the number of fowl greatly overbalanced by a steady increase in the number of hunters, the duck and goose population are fighting an uphill battle".

I actually would have thought they were fighting a rather one sided battle, but there you go. It's amazing how his environmental research is only concerned not with the duck population, but how the duck population will allow duck hunting to continue. He advocates for us to "get behind organizations that promote conservation and betterment of our wildlife".....(forgot the last word there) ...."resources". How unfortunate it would be for the hunter, the poor soul, were the ducks to run out. So go help the wildlife live! At least for a while before they get shot.

I have no idea how the future of duck hunting actually turned out after the 50's. Frankly, I don't care. But cool old books can teach you alot. This moral has been learnt once more. Take note!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I come bearing gifts...

Well I'm back from yet another sensational and scintillating Port Stephens trip, it seriously is the best place ever. This site seems best suited to showcasing photos and stuff I've brought, and since both of these came abundantly from my trip, there is much to be posted. The photos are still trapped in the camera, so onto the books, though not in detail...yet.

These three riveting titles, in no particular order, were bought from various junk stores, though I prefer the term 'storehouse of untreasured yet highly valuable items at rather low prices'. I've added an interesting quote from each.

*'Duck Guns, Shooting and Decoying'
By Howard M. Salisbury
Paul, Richmond & Company Publishers Chicago

"The thrill of hearing the eerie call of passing geese or the sight of great skeins of ducks is deeply inborn into the very soul of the American gunner"

* 'The Nature of Light, with a general account of physical optics'
'The International Scientific Series'
By Eugene Lommel
Henry S. King & Co. London

"Light must consist in the undulatory movement of an attenuated elastic substance"

* 'Life in the Future - Prospects for Man and Nature'
By Malcolm Ross-Macdonald
Aldus Books Limited, London

"(In the early 21st Century) a really rapid and far reaching mass transit system capable of outpacing even airplanes could end the brief reign of the private car".

In due course I shall happily devour these books for your reading pleasure, though I'm not particularly fussed if no-one is reading this, which seems to be the case. That may have something to do with the fact that almost no-one knows it exists. Sigh.

Friday, June 30, 2006

The cover of the below mentioned score. Click for a much larger image. Note the many different fonts, the intricacy of the border (oak leaves) and the outline of the printing machine (best seen in top left corner).
And here is the last page of the music. Again, click for a much larger image. There are several interesting things; the shaping of the bass clef (upside-down compared to now), asterisks and coda circles which I assume, perahaps incorrectly, to be pedal markings (anyone know?), the very unimaginative cadenza, the oboe solo, the lack of bar numbers or any similar markings, the wavy octave line that is now days replaced by a dotted line or single thick line, and the general precision of the note printing method they must have had, despite mass production.

Humiliated by Beethoven

If I had to be completely outplayed and humiliated by someone in a musical confrontation, I'd probably choose someone of the likes of Beethoven as to make sure there could be no shame in the matter. Enter one Daniel Steibelt.

Our friend Daniel was born in the grand old year of 1765, a Prussian of sorts. His life as a composer was generally quite mediocre, he wrote an alright version of Romeo and Juliet and was considered a pretty good pianist. But perhaps the pinnacle of his career, or at least the one moment history will remember him for, was when he was played off the stage by one Ludwig van Beethoven. The story goes something like this;

Steibelt was a bit of a musical pilgrim, for most of his life he didn't hang around anywhere long. In 1800 he decided to trudge over to Vienna to show to the aristocricy his amazing piano skills. Piano improvisation duels were common and popular entertainment in those days, if only it still was. A theme would be given for two, or sometimes more, pianists to first elaborate on and then become more and more virtuosic before one would be declared the winner. Often each pianist was sponsered by different or fueding nobles/rich old men, so much was at stake in the contests. At the time, everyone knew that Beethoven was the improvising master of Vienna, as well as its most loved composer and pianist. For some strange reason, Steibelt decided to take the amatuer on in a duel. Perhaps Grove's assessment of his personality sheds light on this choice, 'extraordinarily vain, arrogant, discourteous, recklessly extaravagant and even dishonest.'

The stage was set at Count von Fries in May 1800. As the challenger, Steibelt played first. The piece would be a theme from a new cello work he had just written. Steibelt had made a small name for himself as a pianist able to create a 'storm' effect by extensive tremelo usage in the lower octaves - in the first round of the battle, he impressed the crowd with this effect. The crowd loved it and he walked off the stage to a raptous applause. At this point we can only imagine Beethoven sighing as he quietly shuffled to the piano. He could still hear quite well at this point in his life, so it wouldn't have been hard to notice that everyone was cheering for him. He picked up the sheet of music Steibelt had played from, turned it upside down and began improvising on the now mirror imaged notes. Based on just four now slightly random notes, Beethoven stunned the audience with several variations and embellishments. Steibelt was so humiliated and outplayed that he didn't even rise for a second round, but walked out in shame. His greatest achievement in life had just been completed, poor guy. Daniel promised never return to Vienna again, and he didn't. It would be the last time Beethoven was challenged to a duel...strange.

So why am I writing this? Apart from being a bit of a music nerds joke, I myself now have good reason to be interested in the life of Daniel Steibelt. On my 18th birthday in May, 206 years after the duel, I got a small surprise when I opened my single present to find a small score of music. This was the front cover before me (for some reason I can't post the image of the front cover as I had planned - I will try and post it soon);
It is written,
In which is introduced
An imitation of a Storm
Printed & Sold at J&G Balls
Mufic Warehouse, 408, Oxford Street
Op. 33 - Price 3 s.
where may be had the Concerto with compleat (sic) accompaniments. Price 8s.
It turns out that this score was printed in, or very close, to 1820. The piece of music is a piano reduction of the Rondo from Stiebelt's Piano Concerto in Eb (no 3.). The movement became very very popular around Europe, especially in England where this was printed around 20 years after the piece was originally composed. It would be like purchising a score of 'Let it be' in 1990 - it wasn't published by the Beatles, but considered so popular that everyone wanted to play it at home (though in 1820, not all that many people had personal piano's).
The score is in amazing condition considering it's 186 years old. There is no part that could not be played from the score - the print work remains precise. For some nerdy reason, I find great beauty in these printed notes. I find it hard to believe that this sort of thing could have been tossed around the practice room, much like my music isn't particulary well looked after. The music itself doesn't seem particularly insightful. Though I haven't heard it, (or ever seen a CD), the work appears to alternate between bland alberti basses, unimaginative octave passages and dull cadenza's. He also seems to give all but one orchestral solo to the oboe. But none of this worries me. The story of Steibelt, the condition of the music and its cultural history are its most valuable assests. Original prints such as this in this condition are rare at the best of times, though you'd be even more hard pressed to find prints of the really famous composers. I feel truly grateful to own this music and will treasure it hopefully beyond its 200th birthday.
It might seem strange that this piece, despite its popularity, managed to fade into oblivion. But if you think about the interesting topic of music history, it's often the most popular pieces that are shown up as the simple frauds that they are over time, while the music that searches for something more meaningful, rather than to please the masses, usually manages to hold its place. That is why most of us have never heard of Stiebelt, but it's a crime to not know of Beethoven. It's the same with music today. In a hundred years, hopefully none of the puerile trash being pumped out by the music industry will be remembered, but shown up as the frauds that they are. But for the moment, we will, to our shame, and like the 1820 Brits, be caught up in the hype of the moment and forget what true music is. At least the music publishers made a lot of money.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Comments etc.

I've just enabled comments to be made on my posts, so feel free to say whatever you want about my stuff. Apparently I can moderate and delete your comments if I find them to be 'incorrect'.

Democracy rules!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The One Armed Boxer vs. the Flying Guillotine

The Flying Guillotine

The One Armed Boxer
The pictures speak for themselves

There is some compulsory viewing on SBS at 10:55 on Thursday night. I saw it a couple of years back, taped it, then lost the tape. Here's the general plot;

This guy with a flying guillotine wants to kill a karate master with one arm.

That's about it. In between are karate tournaments...and more gratiutious karate fight sequences. The music is simply spectacular - the composer becomes obsessed with these low yelling voices that sound like growls, and lightning-like speels of metallic noise.

This is a movie not to be missed under any circumstances.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Old Books

Old books are awesome in pretty much every way. It's not the text that is the most intriguing part of the old book package, (although the text is often interesting), but the way in which a heap of material has aged over long periods of time. You can trace the history of a book, its owners, where it has been sitting, where it was made and how it came to be with you. Call me a nerd (which I am), but old books are some of my most valuable possessions, even though most did not cost much at all. I want to post here some of my small collection.

My favourite, and oldest book is 'School Geography' by James Cornwell, Fortieth Edition. It was published in London at Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Stationers' Court; Hamilton, Adams and Co., Paternoster Row in the year 1867. It was printed by J. & W. Rider whose factory was on 14 Bartholomew Close, London. This small textbook for 'beginners', with a thickly embossed cover and a now faded globe symbol on the front, made its (very long) way from London to Launceston TAS. On the first page is stamped 'Walch Bro & Birchall - Booksellers and Stationers, Launceston', and there are 360 pages in total. It was then bought, or given to R. McKenzie on the 22nd of May 1868 for 4 shillings and 6 pence (quite a lot for Launceston in this time). I get the impression that this young lad or lass is younger rather than older, and enjoys writing his name in cursive throughout the book (bored in school?). From here, the book probably sat and did nothing after they left school since it is in such good condition. I came across it for $12 at the Hobart Post Office junk store. In the front cover is written 'God save the ancient manners from the fiends that plague the skies', and in the back, 'Jealousy is the green eyed monster which doth (munch the meat (?)) it feeds on'. This is what I love about old books. Here we have the scribblings of a 140 year old school kid probably bored in school, probably proud of their writing ability - How else can you delve so easily into 1860's life? Just incredible.

Considering its age, the book is in very good condition. The binding remains solid and there are no tears. While the text itself is not usually my main concern, the text in this book is probably its greatest interest. We have a geography book from a time before three quarters of the modern worlds states were formed and when a third of the world was unvisited by European explorers. You are transported into a whole different mindset. Here are some examples;

On the planet list, Uranus is called 'Herschel', Pluto hasn't been discovered and Jupiter has four moons. Here's a description of 'continents' ;
"The Old Continent, called also the old world, consists of Europe Asia and Africa, which are also themselves sometimes termed Continents: the New Continent, called also the New World, from its recent discovery by Europeans, consists of North and South America, each of which is also sometimes styled a Continent". The New world was 'recently discovered' then.

There is an interesting note about European politics, "England, France, Russia, Austria and Prussia, are called the five great powers, and if they can agree among themselves the peace of Europe is secured". It's politics that forms the basis for perhaps the most interesting part of the book - the authors complete English bias and supreme hate of France, which his country had defeated over the previous fifty years. There is no stopping a pom who at the time actually had a good country to brag about. Here he goes;

*He feels the need to break into song (in a Geography textbook) to describe the Thames, for which it "would be difficult to point out a spot in which art and wealth have been applied with such effect to improve a naturally beautiful neighbourhood." He sings "Oh! could I flow like thee, and make thy stream My great example as it is my theme".
* Domestic Animals are "very superior", the Manufactures "more numerous and important than those of any other country", Commerce is the "Most extensive and very rapidly increasing...far greater than that of any other country, either ancient or modern", Internal Communications "Superior to that of any other country", Navy "greatly superior to that of any other country" - and these are all true (though it is a wonder how they got to where they are now considering their head start).
* But Cornwell left his best to the very important section titled 'Miscellaneous Observations'. "Owing to the entire separation of England from other countries, its inhabitants are characterized by strong national features. They are brave, enterprising, and industrious, and remarkably attached to liberty and home, but reserved and proud to strangers." In even smaller writing is written "It is incomparably the richest country in the world; notwithstanding which, a frightful amount of poverty exists".

For the rest of the book, everything just seems strange. While we often read about history as it happened, we don't usually get to read it as it is happening. There are far too many points of interest to list, but here are some;
* Germany isn't yet unified but remain as "a confederation of 34 independent states".
* It seems that everyone is being ruled by a king
* There are still bears running all around Europe (almost all are dead now)* The author enjoys making a point about Gibraltar "An almost impregnable fortress belonging to England, taken by Sir George Rooke in 1704 and unsuccessfully besieged by the united French and Spanish fleets in 1782". He also enjoys saying "In the wars with England, France has, from time to time, been deprived of her foreign possessions. This must be the result of a contest while England retains the supremacy of the sea".
* The author consistently uses the title 'Miscellaneous Observations" to voice his own opinions about how terrible a country is. Spain; "Great laxity of morals is prevalent, assassination being by no means uncommon, and the country infested with bands of powerful banditti. The favourite national sport is bull-fighting, the large towns having buildings devoted to that cruel amusement." Portugal; "Perhaps the Portuguese are the lowest of all European nations in civilisation and morality. Both in their houses and persons they are excessively dirty."
* While he is extremely descriptive of Europe, when he goes into details about Africa and Asia, he knows almost nothing - no one did. One of the main religions of Asia is 'Paganism'. The only interesting thing to happen to the area of 'Beloochistan' (Around Pakistan) was that it was "stormed by the British in 1829". All the governments not under British rule seem to be "Despotic". He describes a Chinese habit, "If a high personage or official has offended the Government, he is expected to commit suicide, which he does by ripping himself up in the presence of his family and friends. This strange custom, which prevails also in Japan is called the "Happy Dispatch". Hmmm.
* America has 35 states and the people have "an overweening opinion of themselves". Of course the British on the other hand were endlessly modest.
* Australia, not even 100 years old has some interesting points.
- The Platypus is called the ornithorhynchus.
- The first people to cross the continent were "Poor Burke and Wills"
- He doesn't know how big Western Australia is- Sydney has 60,000 inhabitants, Parramatta is a different town.
- Tasmania is interesting (where the book was bought), "90,000 inhabitants, of whom many are still convicts."

Well that's enough. The moral of the story is that old books are cool.

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Here are scans of my favourite old school photos I took (on film!). I still prefer tangible photos, if you use a really high quality film, like the ones below were (though the scanning isn't great), you get a much better result than a picture on your computer screen. The colours seem more powerful, the contrasts deeper. On my last expedition to the Blue Mountains last Autumn, there was no question that I was going to take the film over the digital. I'm still looking to get those photos printed, and I anticipate that many of them will show up on this site soon. The first photo is of a great old myrtle growing down a hill in the middle of no-where (also known as the Walls of Jerusalem in TAS). The second and third were taken in the Blue Mountains in 04. The last is from Port Arthur from my trip with Tim Miller at the start of the year. More to come.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Sidekicks etc.

This guy is Kermit, my most trusted sidekick of the last three years. He likes his spoons and his blimps.

Metempsychosis Shoot

For those lucky enough to own Metempsychosis' omikron 5, here's the album cover in full resolution, rather than the crummy print on the CD. You simply can't beat a cassette tape trapped in a fiery ice cube for a CD cover - impossible. We did our millions of fans proud.

And then some

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I mainly wanted to use this place of rest as a means to post photos I take. Many aren't taken with a good camera, nor do I claim that I am a good photographer. These first lot were taken with my first digital camera which had about as much resolution as a dot painting. Enjoy (maybe)

Good evening all

When I have something to write, I'll write it.

As of yet, that isn't the case.

Enjoy the Blimp Museum.